Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday July 30th

Well, today I didn't stay under my calorie goal, but I did track everything & get my exercise in. We went for a family walk after dinner tonight with our newest family member, Raven (the boxer). I checked on the date of The Nun Run & it's Sept 17th, so I really need to start C25K training again, so I would like to start doing that again this week...hoping for Monday.

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Our lazy family fun day, spent getting familiar with our new dog!
- being virtually pain free!
- taking a nap with Hubby
- taking a Family Walk together after dinner
- getting the house tidy...something about lack of clutter that improves the mood!

Dear God,
Thank you for this wonderful day with my family. We are usually running so fast to so many places that we don't get to just relax & be lazy together. Please help us to slow down & appreciate these moments together. Please help us to find the balance between what we HAVE to do & what we NEED to do & what You would have us do. Please continue to provide healing for my friends & family that need it, especially little W. as he heals from surgery on his jaw. Help me to listen...really listen to those who need me & to You. AMEN

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