Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday July 29th

Well I hit my 1st snag. Time totally got away from me & I didn't get my exercise in today. I was doing really well. Mapped my day out, food wise. Spent most of the day getting caught up on all the little things around the house I had let go because of the head/neck at least I wasn't sitting on my butt all day. But, I started getting a little head/neck ache in the afternoon & decided to just lay down with CJ. I wasn't really tired, but I figured I would just rest my neck...I dozed on & off for about 2hrs, which was longer then I intended. Then it was just boom, boom, boom. Make a call about a dog we might be getting, set a time for the dog to come check us out tonight, clean up around the house some more, make dinner, clean up dinner, spend time with the dog. That being said, she it went so well, she is having a sleep over & probably never going home! And I tracked all my food today! It wasn't my best day, but tomorrow is another day!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Not totally beating myself up for having a slightly off day today
- My Son's AWESOME behavior with his grandma yesterday
- Raven The Boxer who is currently content lying on the floor in between me & Hubby
- A virtually pain free day with out taking meds!
- Having the energy to clean up my house today

Dear God,
THANK YOU for this continued reprieve of pain. It seems to be getting a little better everyday! I pray that You look after HM & her son in the coming days...little guy fell off the bleacher 8ft & is having to have surgery on his jaw! I pray for his healing & speedy recovery, & be with his mother as she goes thru this trying time. I ask that You continue to provide healing to my friends & family that need it right now & that You help me to help them wherever I can. I pray that You guide me to where I am supposed to be.AMEN

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