Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday July 31st

I have had a wonderful day!! I have decided that Sundays will be free from exercise, so I didn't do anything & was just fine with that. I tracked my food today & didn't do too bad without the exercise, but didn't come in under calorie goal either. I'd like to get to the point where I stay under calorie goal without exercise.

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- being able to do an AMAZING new song at Church- Thank you MP
- watching my son getting so excited about his sleep over tonight
- watching my nephew BK walk across the room to me with a huge smile on his face!
- having Movie Night with Hubby
- an AMAZINGLY yummy, healthy dinner made by Hubby

Dear God,
Thank You for such a wonderful day. Thank You for another day where we were just able to enjoy each other & our time together. I pray that TL has a GREAT sleep over & is well behaved. I pray that You help me to do all that I need to do this coming week & still make litle pockets of time for the little things with the kids & Hubby. Help me to show the ones close to me just how much I love & appreciate them. Help me to focus on the positives with TL instead of the negatives. Help me to keep You centered in my life. AMEN

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