Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday Aug 4

W1D2= Done!!! WOO HOO!!! I sweated my not so little A@$ off, but I felt great!!! Now, that being said, I think maybe my blood sugar dropped a bit low, cuz I felt REALLY shaky...I thought it was just the jello sensation I sometimes get after a good workout, but my whole body felt shaky even after I cooled down & showered, so I made sure I had a little 100cal snack. Gonna keep an eye on it.
I definitely prefer Suz's podcast for Week 1. I've attached the link for that at the bottom.

I tracked all my food yesterday, & not only was I under calorie goal, but because I ate SO well for breakfst & lunch, I was able to eat a little more for dinner with the fam, & have snacks!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Guilt free eating!!!
- continued momentum for exercising
- an actual catch up conversation with Hubby
- beginning to believe I can REALLY do this again!!
- motivation from not only My Girls, but other friends on FB who I haven't seen since HS!! You all are SO awesome & you keep me going!! I am SO grateful for you!!

Dear God,
Thank you for putting me in a position to listen. I only help that I am helping in some small way. I pray that you help me to be of service/help to those around me that may need it. I thank You for this continued feeling of "I CAN do this!". I know that is coming from You. And, thank you for putting people in my path to help support me & keep me going. I pray that I can pay this all forward, & I pray You help me to do that. AMEN

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