Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday Aug 2nd

Today has been awesome!!! I did some computer work this morning, then took the kids to lunch at KFC...WHOA What??? KFC?? Yep! I split a 2 boneless breast meal with CJ. And as I was thoroughly enjoying my biscuit & mac n cheese, I said to myself, "Self, I don't know how many calories are in this stuff, but BOY does it taste REALLY good!! You BETTER run later!!" (LOL) Then I took the kids shopping for new dog stuff, & some school supplies. (ICK!) When we got home I got CJ ready for a nap, changed my clothes & got on the treadmill to do W1D1!!! I sweated my a$@ off, but it was SOOOO much fun!!! Then after dinner I met up with my girls & we walked 2+ miles!! (In my shape ups I might add!!) My muscles were pretty sore, but it was SO much fun & I felt GREAT!!! AND, I tracked my food AND came in under calorie goal...because of the exercise WAY under calorie goal!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Yummy food without guilt
- Easy yummy dinner that fit into my calories that the whole family could eat
- Time with some of my Fav Girls!!
- motivation...I've been wondering when you would show up!!

Dear God,
THANK YOU THANK YOU for today!! You helped me make good choices about the food I ate, & the exercise I did. Again, today I felt a balance, but this time within myself. The battle I wage everyday inside seemed calmer & I know that was Your doing. I pray that You continue to help me find balance & peace within myself, & to find the balance & peace in our daily lives. Help me to keep finding the little things to be grateful for & to realize all the little blessings in my life. AMEN

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