Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday July 3rd

Well, I didn't get a great amount of exercise in today, but I had fun doing what I did!! Stood for 1 1/2hrs playing Rock Band with my Fam!! Tracked my food & came in under calorie goal!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Coming in under calorie goal
- Family time
- getting Back to School stuff 95% done!!
- talking with LK
- several days of being virtually pain free

Dear God,
Thank You for helping me with the pain was really putting a damper on my mood! Please help Hubby with his pain...not only his neck/shoulder/back issue but also his new knee issue that has cropped up the last couple of days. Help me to be aware & help him in any way I can. Please also heal my other family & friends that need Your healing right now...physically or emotionally. Please help me to take things for what they are & not read more into it then there is. Help me to not take things so personally & to welcome the help; not take it as if I wasn't doing things well enough. Help me to be openminded to Your plan not my own. Help me to hear & know Your path for me & the strength to follow it. AMEN

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