Friday, August 19, 2011

Fri Aug 19th

OK, so I seem to be having trouble getting back in the swing of things. I feel like we've been very busy this week, but I haven't been active. I have been tracking my food & not doing too bad, but I haven't "worked out" & I want to, but I just can't seem to find the time. I think I need to manage my time a little better.

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- lots of time w/my girls this wk- AN, MW, NP, KC
- a WELCOME visit from a VERY dear friend that we haven't seen in 3yrs
- planning fun things w/the kids the next couple of days
- my son being more agreeable (9 is such a fun age, the teenage attitude is beginning)
- staying up late with Hubby ;-)

Dear God,
Please help me to put things in perspective & not be overly sensitive about some recent things. Help me to find a positive spin to those things that I would normally be negative about. Also, help me to release some of this anger I have towards GL so that our mutual situation will work more I'm pretty sure I should probably take the high road...I'm just having more trouble with that lately. Help me to be the best me, You want me to be. AMEN

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tues Aug 16th

Ok, so here's what's been going on.
I have hit a bit of a road block for various reasons...I didn't have a whole lot of time this past week to work my training in because we were going out of town on Thursday to spend time with Hubby's family & some of our friends. BUT, up to Thursday of last week I was tracking my food!!
While, at my in-laws though, I have a tendancy to not get on the computer...I need to change that. So, that being said, I have not tracked my food since Thursday...& I really haven't watched what I've been's kinda hard when you don't have control of how things are cooked. I did just try to make the best decisions with what I had in front of me, but breakfast was harder than other meals. I haven't weighed myself, but I'm pretty sure I haven't lost weight...just hoping I haven't gained either.
Also, Friday, JHubby had another round of Steroid Injections for his neck. That usually wreaks havoc on him for a couple of days, & then the hope is that it will give him some long-term relief. He was in pretty bad shape this weekend. And to add insult to injury, I started having neck issues Friday, and am still dealing with it, though its much more manageable right now.
CJ was SO incredibly moody...2yr molars coming don't think she was too keen in sleeping in her pack-n-play since she's in a twin bed at home. She kept us up almost every night & was even having trouble with her naps...and she was VERY attached to me...
As much as I enjoyed spending the time with the in-laws, it was very stressful because of these factors, and I was very happy to be home yesterday with all of us sleeping in our own beds!
So, all these factors derailed me quite a bit.
BUT, today we are getting back on track. I have caught up on some much needed sleep, tracked my food so far, & I'm hoping, since my neck is feeling a bit better, that I might be able to get a run in today, but if not, then definitely tomorrow. Either way though, I will do 30min of exercise today.
My MIL paid for my registration for The Nun Run, so I am definitely doing that & I want to get moving on it so I can get thru the run in just a few short weeks. So, the next time I run, I am just gonna turn my ipod on, do a 5min warm up walk, & then just start running for as long as I can. Then I will do a 5min cool down walk. (or I might walk for just a min or 2 & then run again.) But, I wanna see what I can do. Then however long I can run, I will compare it to C25K training, & go to that week. I just don't have time to get all 9wks in before the run, so I need to move a little quicker right now. I will see how it goes & blog about it...

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- MUCH needed time with LW
- SUPER fun time with N & TL!!
- Sleeping in my own bed
- CJ & mommmy taking a LONG nap yesterday
- My AWESOME big boy TL who was SUCH a HUGE help to me the last couple days

It's been a while since I blogged so here are a few more...
- My FIL for watching the kids so I could take Hubby to his procedure & get some answers
- My in laws for feeding us since Thursday night
- My Hubby for taking care of me as much as he could while dealing with his own pain
- NL for Coconut Rum & Diet Cokes!!

Dear God,
This past week has been really hard. Please give us all the strength to continue to get through the things that we are dealing with. Please help J & me to keep a positive attitude while we are both in pain. I pray that You provide both of us long-term relief & that You guide us to the paths that will help make that possible & give us the strength to follow those paths. Thank You for the AMAZING people You continue to put in my path that help me along my path. They help me in so many ways, & I know that they are Your angels here on Earth to help us in our daily lives, & they do every day. I pray that You give me opportunities to Pay It Forward, & that You help me to recognize those moments so that I can help do Your will. AMEN

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday Aug 8th things have been kinda crazy lately. This weekend we spent a ton of time just having fun as a family & it was awesome!! But, I didn't want to be on the computer during that time, so I tracked my food, but didn't blog. Then this week has been grocery shopping on Monday & took the kids to DE Natural History Museum & picnic at the park & got stuck in a CRAZY storm!! And today is Library & LAUNDRY, cuz none of us have clothes for us to pack to go out of town tomorrow!!
So, I haven't gotten my C25K training in like I would of liked, but I have been getting 30min of activity in, so at least that's good. AND I LOST 2LBS THIS WEEK!!!!
So, things are going well!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- My girls & FB friends that are continuously supporting me
- My ISM meeting yesterday that is keeping me motivated
- losing 2lbs this week
- awesome family time
- not derailing myself

Dear God,
Thank you for the much needed family time we got this weekend & for all the fun we had yesterday!! I pray that you help me find little moments to make sure that TL knows he's doing a good job & is important & loved. Sometimes, I think he feels like he gets lost in the shuffle. I pray that the injections that JL is getting this Friday provide him some relief finally & that You heal him. Thank You for giving me the strength to keep going with this journey even when it seems harder at times than others. Please help me to listen to You about my journey & about where You want me to be. AMEN

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday Aug 5th

Well, I was craving some Don we went out. BUT we haven't gone out to dinner in at least 2wks, AND I made slightly better choices than normal, but probably could have done better. I think next time I will research what the lower cal options are for the restaurant we are going to. But, I only had a few chips. Then had 2 GRILLED fish tacos, but I ate all my rice & I CAN NOT turn down their Spoonbread! But, what I was REALLY craving was their Sopapillas, but I only had 3 instead of a whole progress is being made. I did a lot of slow walking & standing yesterday & according to myfitnesspal I was still under my calorie goal even with Don Pablos. Not sure if I buy that or not, but we shall see. I keep forgetting to weigh myself, so I am hoping to remember to do that in the morning...

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Family dinner & game night
- Going to the park with the kids & girlfriends & my nephew for the 1st time!!!
- Spending time with my sister
- Couple time with Hubby
- Friends that continue to uplift me & support me

Dear God,
Thank You for this day!! Again, I felt like I had a balance...I spent time with my girlfriends & sister, spent time having fun with the kids, stayed active for a good chunk of the day, spent time as a family & spent time as a couple! It was perfect, & it was all because of You. Thank You for helping me realize that balance can be found & I don't have to be so overwhelmed trying to fit everything in. Help me to "Let go, & let God!" Amen

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday Aug 4

W1D2= Done!!! WOO HOO!!! I sweated my not so little A@$ off, but I felt great!!! Now, that being said, I think maybe my blood sugar dropped a bit low, cuz I felt REALLY shaky...I thought it was just the jello sensation I sometimes get after a good workout, but my whole body felt shaky even after I cooled down & showered, so I made sure I had a little 100cal snack. Gonna keep an eye on it.
I definitely prefer Suz's podcast for Week 1. I've attached the link for that at the bottom.

I tracked all my food yesterday, & not only was I under calorie goal, but because I ate SO well for breakfst & lunch, I was able to eat a little more for dinner with the fam, & have snacks!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Guilt free eating!!!
- continued momentum for exercising
- an actual catch up conversation with Hubby
- beginning to believe I can REALLY do this again!!
- motivation from not only My Girls, but other friends on FB who I haven't seen since HS!! You all are SO awesome & you keep me going!! I am SO grateful for you!!

Dear God,
Thank you for putting me in a position to listen. I only help that I am helping in some small way. I pray that you help me to be of service/help to those around me that may need it. I thank You for this continued feeling of "I CAN do this!". I know that is coming from You. And, thank you for putting people in my path to help support me & keep me going. I pray that I can pay this all forward, & I pray You help me to do that. AMEN

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday July 3rd

Well, I didn't get a great amount of exercise in today, but I had fun doing what I did!! Stood for 1 1/2hrs playing Rock Band with my Fam!! Tracked my food & came in under calorie goal!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Coming in under calorie goal
- Family time
- getting Back to School stuff 95% done!!
- talking with LK
- several days of being virtually pain free

Dear God,
Thank You for helping me with the pain was really putting a damper on my mood! Please help Hubby with his pain...not only his neck/shoulder/back issue but also his new knee issue that has cropped up the last couple of days. Help me to be aware & help him in any way I can. Please also heal my other family & friends that need Your healing right now...physically or emotionally. Please help me to take things for what they are & not read more into it then there is. Help me to not take things so personally & to welcome the help; not take it as if I wasn't doing things well enough. Help me to be openminded to Your plan not my own. Help me to hear & know Your path for me & the strength to follow it. AMEN

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday Aug 2nd

Today has been awesome!!! I did some computer work this morning, then took the kids to lunch at KFC...WHOA What??? KFC?? Yep! I split a 2 boneless breast meal with CJ. And as I was thoroughly enjoying my biscuit & mac n cheese, I said to myself, "Self, I don't know how many calories are in this stuff, but BOY does it taste REALLY good!! You BETTER run later!!" (LOL) Then I took the kids shopping for new dog stuff, & some school supplies. (ICK!) When we got home I got CJ ready for a nap, changed my clothes & got on the treadmill to do W1D1!!! I sweated my a$@ off, but it was SOOOO much fun!!! Then after dinner I met up with my girls & we walked 2+ miles!! (In my shape ups I might add!!) My muscles were pretty sore, but it was SO much fun & I felt GREAT!!! AND, I tracked my food AND came in under calorie goal...because of the exercise WAY under calorie goal!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Yummy food without guilt
- Easy yummy dinner that fit into my calories that the whole family could eat
- Time with some of my Fav Girls!!
- motivation...I've been wondering when you would show up!!

Dear God,
THANK YOU THANK YOU for today!! You helped me make good choices about the food I ate, & the exercise I did. Again, today I felt a balance, but this time within myself. The battle I wage everyday inside seemed calmer & I know that was Your doing. I pray that You continue to help me find balance & peace within myself, & to find the balance & peace in our daily lives. Help me to keep finding the little things to be grateful for & to realize all the little blessings in my life. AMEN

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday Aug 1st

Today has been such a great day! I took Raven out to the park with the kids for the first time & she did sooooo good! I had some girltime & the kids had a ball playing with their friends & we even had a picnic lunch!! It was a great morning. I sorta got exercise in walking around after CJ at the park...but I didn't log it in cuz at this point I kinda felt like that was cheating. I did log my food but came in slightly over calories...tomorrow is another least I am not TOTALLY blowing it everyday...

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- A wonderful playdate at the park with my girls, kids & Raven
- A nap with CJ since I got a headache
- Reading Harry Potter The Prisoner of Azkaban to the kids last night
- Catching up on some of our fav shows with Hubby
- getting most of the PPT done for Sunday

Dear God,
Thank You for the many blessings in my life. Today I actually felt like I found some balance in my life. I actually felt like I had time for everything I wanted to do. I spent time with the kids & dog having fun & got some me time in at the same time (love multitasking!) & still had time to do the more neccesary stuff & spend time with Hubby. Thank You for showing me that I can fit all this in & not feel guilty or overwhelmed. It was a wonderful day. I pray that we have many more like this to come.
And I pray that I continue to find little moments to share with You & talk to You. Amen

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday July 31st

I have had a wonderful day!! I have decided that Sundays will be free from exercise, so I didn't do anything & was just fine with that. I tracked my food today & didn't do too bad without the exercise, but didn't come in under calorie goal either. I'd like to get to the point where I stay under calorie goal without exercise.

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- being able to do an AMAZING new song at Church- Thank you MP
- watching my son getting so excited about his sleep over tonight
- watching my nephew BK walk across the room to me with a huge smile on his face!
- having Movie Night with Hubby
- an AMAZINGLY yummy, healthy dinner made by Hubby

Dear God,
Thank You for such a wonderful day. Thank You for another day where we were just able to enjoy each other & our time together. I pray that TL has a GREAT sleep over & is well behaved. I pray that You help me to do all that I need to do this coming week & still make litle pockets of time for the little things with the kids & Hubby. Help me to show the ones close to me just how much I love & appreciate them. Help me to focus on the positives with TL instead of the negatives. Help me to keep You centered in my life. AMEN

Saturday July 30th

Well, today I didn't stay under my calorie goal, but I did track everything & get my exercise in. We went for a family walk after dinner tonight with our newest family member, Raven (the boxer). I checked on the date of The Nun Run & it's Sept 17th, so I really need to start C25K training again, so I would like to start doing that again this week...hoping for Monday.

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Our lazy family fun day, spent getting familiar with our new dog!
- being virtually pain free!
- taking a nap with Hubby
- taking a Family Walk together after dinner
- getting the house tidy...something about lack of clutter that improves the mood!

Dear God,
Thank you for this wonderful day with my family. We are usually running so fast to so many places that we don't get to just relax & be lazy together. Please help us to slow down & appreciate these moments together. Please help us to find the balance between what we HAVE to do & what we NEED to do & what You would have us do. Please continue to provide healing for my friends & family that need it, especially little W. as he heals from surgery on his jaw. Help me to listen...really listen to those who need me & to You. AMEN