Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday July 25th

So, I didn't do as much exercise as I would've liked, but I did stand outside & walk around the playground for an hour today with the kids, so I'm hoping that least for the 1st day...

I have tracked all my food for today, though I REALLY screwed up my dinner...too much pasta I think. BUT, with my "exercise" I still came in under calories.

- Playground time & girlfriend time with NP & kids
- My AMAZING friends that have supported me this past week. KC, NP, JC, NL, LW & of course Hubby!
- Support from The Big Guy (GK)
- Baby Girl getting back to herself
- Staying on track with what I said I was gonna do

Dear God,
I am struggling pretty hard with my weight & my spirit. Please guide me to the people who will uplift me during this time & support me. Give me the strength & courage & determination to stick with my plan, even when it would be easy to give in to the temptation. Please watch over my friends & help them where you see fit. Please whisper in my ear & guide me to help the people I am supposed to. Please continue to work in me & allow me to recognize the paths you want me to walk. AMEN

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