Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday July 27th

So far so good on the New Game Plan & I'm feeling pretty good.
I had gotten in the habit of taking naps with Cassie which sometimes is needed, but I was doing it practically every day...I haven't had a nap in 2days & I'm feeling REALLY good!! Since starting this whole Re-Weightloss Journey, I had kinda been stressing myself out about all the little details & it was derailing me. By focusing in on just these couple of things everyday, I am feeling a sense of accomplishment & excitement & motivation!!

I have logged all my food so far today...I haven't had dinner yet, but I plan on logging that too.
I spent the day at the pool at my girl's house today in the water with the kids, bopping Cass around...water jogging!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- AN allowing us to spend the day with her & her kids swimming in the pool
- Feeling physically better than I have in weeks!! Since getting in the pool, I have been PAIN FREE!!!
- Girltime with AN, she really does my heart good!
- My son's help with all the many things I ask him to help me with just to get through the day with 2 kids. He is an AMAZING Big Brother!
- MAJOR fun dancing like idiots last night with my girls- MW, KC & JS!!

Dear God,
I cannot thank you enough for giving me a reprieve from these headaches & neck pain!! Even if it turns out to be short lived, I am SO thankful for this time!!
God, I pray that you whisper in my ear & guide me to those that need my help & also guide me in the ways that I can help them. I pray that you continue to provide healing to my friends & family that need it. And I pray that you daily help me to stop & appreciate the little things in life...they are often the most important...

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