Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday July 28th

So, Day 4 & I am really feeling like I am getting the hang of this...everything I was doing before when I lost all the weight is starting to come back to me. I know I have a concert tonight at The State Fair (The Band Perry & Josh Turner!!!!) so I adjusted my food to accomodate some State Fair Food! I didn't get exercise in, but I know we will be walking around the fair & standing/dancing at the concert, so I am good. Track food?= check, Exercise?= check AND I even managed to be under my calorie goal!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
-My AWESOME hubby for not only working out my neck last night, but for handling an awkward charlie horse moment with humor =)
-My Mom for watching the kids for me until hubby gets home so I can go rock out with my girls NP & KC to The Band Perry & Josh Turner
-KC for the concert & driving us there!!
-NP for coming with us to the concert making it a REALLY fun Girls Night Out!
-Taking half a muscle relaxer to ease this neck/head ache so I can enjoy my night...IT SOOOO WORKED!!!

Dear God,
Thank you for the many blessings in my life. I know I don't always appreciate or notice just how blessed I am, but I am trying to be more aware.
I thank you again for the reprieve in pain. I do pray that it lasts longer this time, but beggars can't be choosers. I ask that you continue to provide healing to my friends & family that need it. I pray that you continue to help me stay on track with my eating & exercising habits & that if I stumble you help me to quickly get back up. Please guide me to the paths where you need me to be & make me aware of Your will. "Lord prepare me to be Your servant. Kind & humble, gentle & true to You"

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