Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday July 29th

Well I hit my 1st snag. Time totally got away from me & I didn't get my exercise in today. I was doing really well. Mapped my day out, food wise. Spent most of the day getting caught up on all the little things around the house I had let go because of the head/neck at least I wasn't sitting on my butt all day. But, I started getting a little head/neck ache in the afternoon & decided to just lay down with CJ. I wasn't really tired, but I figured I would just rest my neck...I dozed on & off for about 2hrs, which was longer then I intended. Then it was just boom, boom, boom. Make a call about a dog we might be getting, set a time for the dog to come check us out tonight, clean up around the house some more, make dinner, clean up dinner, spend time with the dog. That being said, she it went so well, she is having a sleep over & probably never going home! And I tracked all my food today! It wasn't my best day, but tomorrow is another day!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- Not totally beating myself up for having a slightly off day today
- My Son's AWESOME behavior with his grandma yesterday
- Raven The Boxer who is currently content lying on the floor in between me & Hubby
- A virtually pain free day with out taking meds!
- Having the energy to clean up my house today

Dear God,
THANK YOU for this continued reprieve of pain. It seems to be getting a little better everyday! I pray that You look after HM & her son in the coming days...little guy fell off the bleacher 8ft & is having to have surgery on his jaw! I pray for his healing & speedy recovery, & be with his mother as she goes thru this trying time. I ask that You continue to provide healing to my friends & family that need it right now & that You help me to help them wherever I can. I pray that You guide me to where I am supposed to be.AMEN

Thursday July 28th

So, Day 4 & I am really feeling like I am getting the hang of this...everything I was doing before when I lost all the weight is starting to come back to me. I know I have a concert tonight at The State Fair (The Band Perry & Josh Turner!!!!) so I adjusted my food to accomodate some State Fair Food! I didn't get exercise in, but I know we will be walking around the fair & standing/dancing at the concert, so I am good. Track food?= check, Exercise?= check AND I even managed to be under my calorie goal!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
-My AWESOME hubby for not only working out my neck last night, but for handling an awkward charlie horse moment with humor =)
-My Mom for watching the kids for me until hubby gets home so I can go rock out with my girls NP & KC to The Band Perry & Josh Turner
-KC for the concert & driving us there!!
-NP for coming with us to the concert making it a REALLY fun Girls Night Out!
-Taking half a muscle relaxer to ease this neck/head ache so I can enjoy my night...IT SOOOO WORKED!!!

Dear God,
Thank you for the many blessings in my life. I know I don't always appreciate or notice just how blessed I am, but I am trying to be more aware.
I thank you again for the reprieve in pain. I do pray that it lasts longer this time, but beggars can't be choosers. I ask that you continue to provide healing to my friends & family that need it. I pray that you continue to help me stay on track with my eating & exercising habits & that if I stumble you help me to quickly get back up. Please guide me to the paths where you need me to be & make me aware of Your will. "Lord prepare me to be Your servant. Kind & humble, gentle & true to You"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday July 27th

So far so good on the New Game Plan & I'm feeling pretty good.
I had gotten in the habit of taking naps with Cassie which sometimes is needed, but I was doing it practically every day...I haven't had a nap in 2days & I'm feeling REALLY good!! Since starting this whole Re-Weightloss Journey, I had kinda been stressing myself out about all the little details & it was derailing me. By focusing in on just these couple of things everyday, I am feeling a sense of accomplishment & excitement & motivation!!

I have logged all my food so far today...I haven't had dinner yet, but I plan on logging that too.
I spent the day at the pool at my girl's house today in the water with the kids, bopping Cass around...water jogging!!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- AN allowing us to spend the day with her & her kids swimming in the pool
- Feeling physically better than I have in weeks!! Since getting in the pool, I have been PAIN FREE!!!
- Girltime with AN, she really does my heart good!
- My son's help with all the many things I ask him to help me with just to get through the day with 2 kids. He is an AMAZING Big Brother!
- MAJOR fun dancing like idiots last night with my girls- MW, KC & JS!!

Dear God,
I cannot thank you enough for giving me a reprieve from these headaches & neck pain!! Even if it turns out to be short lived, I am SO thankful for this time!!
God, I pray that you whisper in my ear & guide me to those that need my help & also guide me in the ways that I can help them. I pray that you continue to provide healing to my friends & family that need it. And I pray that you daily help me to stop & appreciate the little things in life...they are often the most important...

Tuesday July 26th

So, Day 2 on the New Plan
I played JustDance 2 with TL for 30min today & had SUCH fun! (Then did again with my girls & had even more fun!)
I tracked my food & w/exercise came in under goal!

5 Things I Am Grateful For
- AMAZING girlfriend time with MW, KC, & JS
- ISM meeting to help keep motivated & to motivate my girls
- a day without a CONSTANT headache
- time away from the kids
- ice paks (they are helping with the neck which helps keep the headaches at bay)

Dear God,
I pray for healing for these headaches that are pretty constant & are beginning to interfere with daily life. I also pray for healing for JL (shoulder/neck pain), KC (jaw)& KC (surgery)& DC (surgery). I pray that you help me & my ISM members to motivate each other & support each other & help keep each other on track. I pray that while I am dealing with these constant headaches, that I not let the pain affect my mood & temperment. I pray that you help me to remember that it is not my loved ones causing my pain, & that sometimes they don't even realize how bad the pain me to take a deep breath before getting angry. Help me to remember what is really important, & take a moment to just breath & appreciate the little things. AMEN

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday July 25th

So, I didn't do as much exercise as I would've liked, but I did stand outside & walk around the playground for an hour today with the kids, so I'm hoping that least for the 1st day...

I have tracked all my food for today, though I REALLY screwed up my dinner...too much pasta I think. BUT, with my "exercise" I still came in under calories.

- Playground time & girlfriend time with NP & kids
- My AMAZING friends that have supported me this past week. KC, NP, JC, NL, LW & of course Hubby!
- Support from The Big Guy (GK)
- Baby Girl getting back to herself
- Staying on track with what I said I was gonna do

Dear God,
I am struggling pretty hard with my weight & my spirit. Please guide me to the people who will uplift me during this time & support me. Give me the strength & courage & determination to stick with my plan, even when it would be easy to give in to the temptation. Please watch over my friends & help them where you see fit. Please whisper in my ear & guide me to help the people I am supposed to. Please continue to work in me & allow me to recognize the paths you want me to walk. AMEN

New Game Plan

I have not started training again. I have been very frustrated & unmotivated. I started realizing I needed to adjust my attitude as well as my body...mind & body diet, so here is what I am starting to do.

-post a blog EVERY day. (even if there's not much to report)
-exercise 30min EVERY day (even if it's not C25K training) & post it.
-track my food EVERY day. (even if I don't like what I ate)
-list 5 things I am grateful for EVERY day & post it.