Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 1 Down...Again

So, as I mentioned earlier, I repeated Week 1 of training to be on the same page with one of my friends. I have completed it AGAIN!!!! YAY!!


Well...this week has been rough. Not with training but just with life in general. My epiphanies this week will include some non-training thoughts. My intention for this blog was to talk about my weightloss journey and my training. But, I have come to realize that when it comes to eating, it impacts many areas, and many areas of my life impact my eating. I emotionally eat. Therefore some extra epiphanies!


I am having a VERY rough time emotionally lately. I have alot of things that I am having MAJOR anxiety over. I don't get Post-Partum Depression. I get Post-Partum Anxiety. I am taking control, and taking steps to make things better. My husband, my kids, my family and my friends deserve the best me I can be, and at this point, I am not that person, and I can no longer do this on my own. I am calling my Dr. and making an appointment to talk to them about puttin me back on the meds I was on after having Tristen. I Deserve to be the Best Me I Can Be!!


I am at least very self aware of my emotions and my anxiety. I can recognize what it is, I just can't always control it. But, self-aware is half there!!!

I have completed my training week!!! And felt good about it!! I am REALLY getting into this!!! I can't wait for next week!!!

Weigh in: 238.2 This week's loss: 1.4 Total loss: 1.8
I can deal with that!!


It is MUCH harder doing this while pushing a stroller!!! OMG!!! Monday, I met with some of my girls and we did our training outside for the 1st time. I of course brought my kids. My son rode his bike, and I pushed my 6mo daughter in the stroller. I'm thinking I was pushing at least an extra 20lbs. My daughter is 15lbs, and I figure the stroller has to weigh at least 5lbs. WOW!!! I did not realize how much of a difference that would make!!! Unfortunately, the 7th run I could not finish. I was trying SOOOOO hard, but it just didn't happen. The last 10ish seconds, I walked. BUT, I did do the 8th!! So, the extra weight and the extra heat, was not so much my friend. I have found out, I MUCH prefer doing my training on the treadmill at home.

I AM NOT SUPERWOMAN!!! No matter how much I may want to be. I am only one person. And yes to begin with it takes more time to tell someone how to do what I can do lickety split, but eventually it will make my life easier!!! I NEED to ask for help, and IT"S OK!!!

I NEED to get away from my kids from time to time. And, IT"S OK!!!

I quit smoking (YAY!!!) when I got pregnant, and I REFUSE to go back to it this time!! But, that also means, that when I get upset or stressed or anxious, I eat. I have had an emotionally charged week this week, and have tried VERY hard not to eat my way through it. And, since I lost weight, it looks like that was succesful, but it was not easy. My epiphanies have helped me to work some stuff out. I talk it out with friends I trust who I know will tell me straight without judging me, and talking with my husband has been helping as well. And coming to terms with the fact that sometimes, I can't do it on my own...that right now is one of those times, and that taking medicine to help me is ok...


We have decided on a race!!! We will be doing the Delaware Futures Race on November 6th!! Here's the website if you want to join!!!

So, I am proud of my progress so far. I am excited about next week!!
I will let you know how it goes and what podcast I prefer.

As always...Thanks for tagging along!

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