Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 2...not quite finished....ICK!!

Ok, So...I have hit a bit of a bump in the road...a setback.

Week 2 was going GREAT!!! I LOVED it!!! I had completed W2D1 and W2D2. I had used BOTH the podcasts...Carli's and Suz's, and honestly I liked them both. I am leaning a bit more towards Carli's because I knew most of the songs on there, but Suz's had some good beats.
I was all set to complete W2D3 on Sunday, but Friday afternoon I tweaked my back, and by Sunday, it still didn't feel good enough for me to train. I was honestly concerned that if I pushed it and trained, then I would be doing more damage. So, I did alot of stretching for a couple of days...and then...the momentum wasn't there. I had intended on finishing up Week 2 on Tuesday, but just didn't do it...I was SO tired, I couldn't get myself moving. Then Wednesday rolled around and we were SO busy, I couldn't figure out how to work it into my day, and then again on Thursday, and Friday, and I was going to do it Saturday, and crapped out again, feeling exhausted. I also stopped tracking my food. And although it doesn't appear that I have gained any weight, I'm pretty sure I didn't lose any either...and all the progress I made holding myself accountable, has flown out the window...
But, the plans we had for today got rescheduled, so now I find myself with unexpected time, and possibly a renewed sense of excitement.
I am frustrated that I allowed this to happen. I should have gotten right back on the horse. All my training buddies are starting Week 4 or have gotten even further than that, and I will just be finishing Week 2. But, hindsight is 20/20. All I can do now, is pick myself up, and get back into the routine, and stop making excuses.
So, today I will finish Week 2, and I will begin tracking my food and water. And, on Tuesday, I will begin Week 3.

As always, thanks for joining me on my currently bumpy Journey 2 Fabulous!!

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