Monday, July 19, 2010

WOW!!! That was hard!!!

Weighed in 239.6
Lost .4 lbs
I didn't really TRY to lose weight, but I was starting to try and make better choices, so I guess something worked...might have been the exercise I did yesterday...but I will get to that in a bit...

So, as I have said, I have had ENOUGH!!! And my anger motivates me, so I have decided to train to do a 5K! The great thing is that I am not doing this alone. I have, so far, 5 girlfriends locally, that are doing it with me, and 1 in my home town, that are all training with me!!! I feel like I have a little team coming with own entourage. I have to say, it is very inspiring.

So, this is where I went...

It is a Couch 2 5K program that lays it all out for you to easily follow. It is a 9 week program, 3 days a week. We officially start training next week, so by the end of Sept. we will be ready. The Team has already started looking at races in Oct. and Nov. and are deciding which one to do.
I started looking for podcasts that follow this program. There are some that are just the spoken run/walk cues, while others have music on them as well as the cues.

The one I found that I like so far is Carli's Podcast:

This is another one I'm gonna try. Suz's Podcast:

Both have alot of Hip Hop to begin with. Then it looks like Suz's goes into some Pop and then Week 4 is ALL Micheal Jackson!!! YAY!!!
I may eventually make my own if I can figure it out, but until then, I will use these. If anyone has the iphone or ipod touch, evidently there is an app you can download that lets you listen to your own music, but will chime in to give you the run/walk cues. Pretty cool, but unfortunately, I do not have either, but I will live...
But speaking of living...I did not think I would be doing that for much longer yesterday!!! LMAO!!! I decided, because I was REALLY digging the podcast I was checking out, that I would just go ahead and give this C25K thing a shot. OH! MY! GOD!!!! I figured, "How hard can it be? It's just running for 60secs at a time, and I have a minute and a half before I have to do it again!" OMG!! I was huffing and puffing after the 1st 60sec run...and I still had 7 more intervals to do!!! I figured out REAL quick, that how fast I was running was not the point, it was the bouncing and picking my feet up off the ground. So, basically my jog/run was more like a fast walk with a bounce, BUT...I finished the WHOLE thing!!! I felt, at times, like my chest was gonna burst open, and I was sweating more than I ever have IN MY LIFE, but I FINISHED IT!!!
Now, we don't officailly start training till next week, but I had wanted to see how I handled this. It was hard, but I also DID finish it. Which means, I can do it again!! And, I figure since I haven't worked out at all since about my 1st Trimester with about a year ago...I REALLY didn't do too bad.
So, I'm supposed to do Day 2 tomorrow, but I have a REALLY busy day, so it might end up being Wednesday for Day 2, but I will do it!!!
Next step? Tracking my food...


  1. Awesome Job Girl! I know you can do it! A good site to track your food is

  2. I've done them before, and I've done Weight Watchers, and I've done my daily plate too...think I'll either do daily plate or sparkpeople again...LOVE FREE!!!
