Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Beginning...Again

Apr 07

In April of '07 I was 265lbs. I had chronic back pain, and basically hated myself. I hated how I looked, I hated how I felt and I hated how tired I was all the time and my blood pressure just kept climbing and they were talking about putting me on blood pressure medicine.
I have always struggled with my weight, and I had tried lots of different things, but until I got REAL honest with myself and what I was doing, nothing worked 'cuz I didn't stick with it.
So, in Apr of '07 I tried this weird diet that my sister's friend had tried and had lost lots of weight with. It was called The Birmingham Hospital Diet. It is a total FAD diet...not a long term life change. I had tried lots of these before, but I was determined this time! I did it and in 1wk, I lost 7lbs!!! I was amazed and felt SO good about myself!! I kept using this diet for a couple of months, until I noticed I was cheating alot and not losing weight anymore...but, I wasn't gaining either!!!

Aug 07

One of my girlfriends was having FANTASTIC results with Weight Watchers, and she started giving me pointers on what to do and let me login to her account to figure out points values. I basically was self teaching myself the Weight Watchers program. But, it was working, and I was steady losing weight. By Aug of '07 I had lost 30lbs!!! It was AMAZING!!!
Dec 07
Jan 08
Apr 08
May 08
June 08

Then I got my own Weight Watchers account and started being very religous about tracking everything I ate and my water etc. Then I started working out.
By June of '08 I had lost 66lbs and was weighing in at 199!!!! Holy Crap!!! I couldn't remember when the last time was that the scale said under 200!!! I was THRILLED!!!
That had been my goal leading up to vacation that year. Vacation put on 5lbs, but I was planning on that.
July 08
Sept 08

My sister was getting married in Sept and I wanted to look SLAMMIN' in the dress!!! And despite the 5 extra lbs, I did!!!!
Oct 08
Dec 08

It went downhill from there. I teetered around 210 forever!! I just wasn't buckling down again.
I got pregnant in Dec 08, but unfortunately by Feb 09, we had lost the baby.
As part of my self healing, I began journaling and tracking my food again. But, I was still not losing...but I wasn't gaining either. Because of the pregnancy I was now at 214.

In May 09 we got pregnant again! And this time the pregnancy went as expected. I barely gained 15lbs with the pregnancy. I had Gestational Diabetes, and had to watch what I was eating carefully. The same thing happened when I was pregnant with my son. And like after my son, after delivering my daughter, I went a little nutty with all the foods I could eat again, and not worry about it. Plus, I was nursing, and hungry ALL THE TIME!! I almost immediately lost all the baby weight, but then started gaining it all back.

Feb 2010
Apr 2010
May 2010

I weighed 230 when I gave birth to my daughter in Jan 2010. I weighed myself last week...weight for it!...240!!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?????!!!!!
I am SO mad at myself for letting this happen!!!
So, I have had ENOUGH, AGAIN!!!! I have decided to train for a 5K!!
I have NEVER run for more than a minute here or there, so this should be interesting.
I am going to blog all my ups and downs and what I learn from this experience. I'm gonna use this as my Weightloss, lbs and all!!!
I will be posting weekly and weighing in at least weekly if not more...I get a little fanatical...
My immediate goal?...train for a 5K in October.
My ultimate goal?...lose 100lbs and feel FABULOUS!!!

So come along with me on my Journey 2 Fabulous!!!



  1. I'm so there with you! :-D Mom's downstairs now doing day one of the C25K! I'm getting everyone hooked! Luv ya!

  2. OMG!!! That's SOOOOO awesome!!!!

  3. Denise, your blog is awesome. It is exactly how I feel.

  4. You are an incredible writer. I found pregnancy to be so hard on the body in so many ways. Good luck with your goals!

  5. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck and I look forward to following your journey!

  6. I am sitting here in tears. I love you mama. And I am so proud of you. And boy do I know how you are feeling. I really want to get back into shape. I want to be on this journey with you..keep me in check and get my but moving!
