Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goals for today accomplished!!!! YAY!!

So, I said yesterday that the next step I wanted to start taking was Tracking My Food. I was gonna start by just simply writing everything down, and then eventually I would track it on a website. Well, I decided to skip that mini-step and just go straight to tracking it online so I would know exactly what I needed to change. So, today, I started tracking my food on LiveStrong.com
I may switch over to Sparkpeople.com I have done them both, but not sure which one I like better right now. I would love to hear from any of you that have used either one. Tell me what you liked and disliked.

Now, let me tell you about today.
Today, Cassie had her 6mo well check...so of course she got shots. Then I had to go grocery shopping, to different stores, in the pouring rain!!! And of course with all the running around, had to grab food out. I didn't have enough food in the house to make lunches to take with us, plus I did need somewhere to sit, other than the car, to feed Cassie since she is now on solid baby food. I just tried to make better choices. So, breakfast, of course, Tristen wants to go to McD's!! OF COURSE!!! I can TEAR UP some McD breakfast!!! I usually end up getting 2 Sandwhiches, and hashbrowns. But, today, I made my coffee this morning as usual, with Equal, and Fat Free Creamer, so when I ordered breakfast, I just ordered a Steak McSkillet Burrito, for the 1st time I might add, AND LOVED IT!!! Then for lunch we went to Chick-fil-a, and instead of getting a Sandwich, and Large Fries, I got a 12pc nugget and Medium Fry and Diet Coke. Not great for Breakfast and Lunch, but better...and that was all I was going for. Then for dinner I had a HUGE salad topped with PopCorn Shrimp and Lite Dressing. I'm gonna treat myself to a bag of SmartPop Kettle Corn in a few!!

I FINISHED W1D2!!!!!!!!!
I was afraid after running around all day (I left the house this morning @ 8am, and didn't get home til 1:30!) that I would talk myself out of working out. I am the QUEEN of excuses!! BUT I DIDN'T!!!! YAY ME!!!
This time I used Suz's Podcast...can't decide which one I like better...Suz or Carli...but I like switching it up! I didn't start out so fast like I did the 1st time. I paced myself this time, and it was actually a bit easier. I was still dripping with sweat when I was done, but I didn't feel like I wasn't gonna make it to the end, I didn't feel like I might die (lol) and I didn't feel like my lungs were gonna explode! This is VERY exciting!!! I actually enjoyed it!!!
WAIT!!! WHAT??? I Actually Enjoyed Running????? I'm getting more and more excited about it!!!

So, not too bad for this week, so far. I didn't weigh myself this morning...didn't have time. I'm thinking what I might do is weigh myself the day after I train, though I will probably end up weighing myself everyday...like I said, I get a bit fanatical once I really get into this. So, even with working out today, I have gone over my calories, but only by 93 and considering 2 out of 3 of my meals were fast food today, that ain't bad! Although...I feel like I burned more than 350cal doing that workout, but I've never tracked that kind of stuff before...so, let me know about your experience with Tracking Burned Calories...I just looked up activities on LiveStong. They had one called RaceWalking, and when I read the discription it mentioned repeated intervals of brisk walking and running/jogging, so I figured that was pretty close. I'm probably not going to train again until Friday. I want to get on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule, but I might train Thursday, and then not again until Monday. We will see...

I know I've been blogging everyday this week, but I promise I won't be driving you crazy with my mundane life stuff everyday once things get more routine. I will just keep you posted on my progress and any epiphanies I have.

So, what's next?
Continue training, continue tracking my food, and staying UNDER my Calories!!

My Journey has just begun, but I already feel good about it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girly,

    All you can do it keep trying and make small but smart choices everyday. I know you and you will do great and get where you want to be. Just remember small steps equals great results, I have never seen you set your mind to something and not accomplish it. Your load is not light by any means, stay at home mom has A LOT of little things to do everyday.

    Call if you need to talk to someone anytime, I support you on your journey regardless of the miles apart!!!!! Love ya...Sherri
