Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 5...

Monday 8/30, I started Week 5.
The 1st day is a 5min warmup walk as always, then 3 intervals of the following, 5min run, 3min walk, then ends with a cooldown walk.
I did it, AND LOVED IT!!!!
I was a little nervous about it because in Week 4, it seemed like I was barely making it thru the 5min runs...But, on Day 1, I just kept thinking, "Ok, this isn't SO bad!!" And I felt AMAZING afterwards!!!!
Then the AWFUL humidity set in...And even though I have air conditioning, I was walking my son to the bus stop every morning, and coming home feeling like I needed a shower and a nap!!! That litte walk to the bus stop sapped ALL the energy out of me, and then I just kept making excuse after excuse, as I am want to do...
So, a week went by and I did not finish Week 5...
But, yesterday 9/6 I did Week 5 Day 1 again. AND I FELT GREAT!!! I actually kept thinking, "I GOT THIS!!"


My only tip for this week, is just STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!!! I am the Queen of them, but if I hadn't made excuses last week, I would be starting Week 6 instead of starting Week 5 again!!!
The only other thing I want to reiterate is if you are struggling to get through Week 4 and you are worried about Week 5...SLOW DOWN. DO NOT worry about how fast you are going. Just worry about running for the entire length of time. My friends that have been running so much faster than me, have told me that they are really struggling with Week 4. SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN!!!! This is my feeling...Once I know that I can run for 30min straight, which is the goal for the end of this program, then I can worry about increasing my speed. Now, if along the way, I begin to increase my speed like I did a couple weeks ago, then great, but I'm not going to stress about it, and I'm not going to beat myself up for slowing down if it means that I can actually RUN!!!!


So far, on both W5D1's I have used Carli's Podcast. I tried it for the 1st time last week, and really liked the way it was structured for Day 1, and I really liked the music. Carli's Podcast is 1 podcast for all 3 days even though they are all different. It gives cues for all 3 days on the podcast. It is GREAT for Day 1, but I think it would be difficult for Day 2 and 3 because I will be thinking she's going to tell me to stop running, when she's actually cuing in for a different day, so I am gonna try Suz's for Day 2 and maybe Day 3 too.
I listened to them all briefly, and it seemed that Suz's podcasts were lower quality sound than they had been. Which is also part of why I went with Carli's for my 1st day. But, like I said, I want to use a podcast for my specific day, so Suz's it will be. I will let you know what I think.

I will be doing Week 5 Day 2 tomorrow. And I feel ready. I am glad that I did Day 1 twice. I think it has helped. I am still nervous about Day 3, but I've heard from a bunch of people that have done this before that most people do not make it through it. To view it as simply a test of how far you've come, and where you still need to go. So, I will keep you posted.

As always, Thanks for joining me on My Journey 2 Fabulous!

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