Friday, March 8, 2013

Check up=Nervous

Back Story: Summer 2012
I was having some weird dizzy or vertigo spells. Nothing major, just irritating. I mentioned something to my mom in passing and she told me to ck my blood pressure. So, I went downstairs and checked it on their bp cuff (cuz this sorta stuff runs in the fam already) and low and behold. 180/120!!! Yikes! I asked my mom when the last time they changed the battery, cuz there was NO WAY that was right. I didn't feel stressed (though in hindsight we were in the midst of watching my aunt lose her battle with cancer), I didnt' have a headache or weird vision issues, just occasional irritating wooziness. Later that night, I asked my nurse in training friend to take my bp...180/120 again. Well, CRAP!!! That can't be a coincidence. The next morning I checked it again, with the bp cuff my mom insisted I bring home, and it was 200/120!! CRAP CRAP!! I called the Doc and they fit me right in!! Surprise, Surprise!!! There it was 210/120!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! So, Doc put me on meds right away. This funness prompted tests of more funness!!! He wanted to check if there was any medical reason beyond stress and genetics (and weight!) that could be causing the high bp.  

Christmas 2012
Based on various blood tests, I was diagnosed with diabetes, high bp, and high cholesterol. The Triple Crown!!! Only, my award was LOTS of pretty pills!!! Not a whole lot of fun!! During all this time, my family and I had watched our family members die from various causes...many of which could have been prevented had they taken better care of themselves, or sought treatment earlier. All, the while I am popping all these pills to extend my life and worrying that it might not be enough and how there was no way in HELL I wanted my family to go through this again over something I could fix. So, the middle of Dec. I started Herbalife. This for me consists of Herbal Tea (metabolism and energy booster), 2 Shakes a day, 2 high protein snacks a day, vitamins 3x/day and a Cell Activator (helps to make sure your body absorbs all the nutrients) 2x/day, and 1 healthy meal/day.

I now get my blood work checked every 3 months. I am now on a host of pills...6 rx's. 1 of which I take 2x/day. (Plus all my Herbalife Supplements!) I just had my 1st 3 month check with the Doc. since starting Herbalife. He knew I was starting it because I checked to make sure it was ok for me to do with my host of medical issues. But, this would be the 1st time, we would see if any of the hard work I have put into this the last 3 months has worked. 
I have to say, I was pretty nervous. I knew I had lost some weight and some inches because the scale was going down and my clothes were fitting differently. I had been pretty diligent about my foods and was working out 3-5x/wk...but in the back of my I was worried that maybe it wasn't enough. I knew from testing my sugars that even though I was watching my calories, sometimes what I ate didn't reflect my diabetic has been a bit of a learning curve, so sometimes my sugars still spiked and my morning fasting sugar is always high, no matter what I eat. So, I was kinda worried and prepared to back up my "work" with my detailed logs as proof!! LOL!!
My Doc and I were very pleasantly surprised!!! I have lost 10lbs since Dec. (I honestly wish it were more. I have heard lots of other Herbalife users lose it much faster than this, BUT at least the scale keeps going down!!) My A1C in Dec. was 7.5, my A1C now is 6.3!!! HOLY BLOODY HELL BATMAN!!! I was not expecting that much of a drop in just 3 months!!! I am WICKED excited!!! He did put me on Lipitor (so if you are keeping track, that now makes 7 rx's!!) because my LDL was still high, and my other cholesterol med doesn't work on that very much. BUT, he said he thinks he might be able to drop me down on one of my meds next time and hopefully get rid of one entirely in 6 months!!

So, Check Up used to = Nervous
But NOW, Check Up = EXCITED & STOKED!!!

Here are my photos since Dec.
Dec. 18th
Jan. 21st 
Feb. 15th

 It's almost time to take another photo...but that will have to wait for another post...

Thanks for joining me on my Journey 2 Fabulous