Thursday, February 14, 2013


I have been struggling terribly since I last posted. In fact my weight got up to 256lbs.

It has been a really rough year. We have lost my aunt, Judy, to a horrible battle with cancer in July, our church closed in September, J's dad has been in ICU since October after having a liver transplant, we lost my uncle, Elmer, very unexpectedly to a brain aneurysm the middle of December, and we lost J's Nana December 23rd. So, I guess one could say I have had a good excuse to just keep eating, or become an alcoholic...and I must say there has been a lot of comfort food and a lot of wine involved in getting through this last year, but I turned a corner...

I have found out in the last year that I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and am diabetic. I WILL NOT intentionally put my children or family through the suffering we have gone through this past year. It was time to stop being selfish...though I have never thought of myself that way. I realized that I was being incredibly selfish by choosing to allow my emotions to rule my life, by allowing food to comfort me, and by basically eating myself to death.

So, I have been very fortunate to have some wonderful friends and family in my life that have been so supportive!!! And, I truly think God puts people in your path for a reason, and I have no doubt that Vicki Feehly has been put here to help save my life. She is an HerbaLife Distributor and has given me the tools to help take control of my life again. I started on Dec. 18th, and I also recommitted to going to the gym at least 3x/wk, and since then, I have lost 9lbs and still going!! I feel better than I have in a long time, and my confidence is coming back...I am not where I was, but at least I heading in the right direction again.

So, I had a bit of an Hiatus, but I am back...
Thanks for Re-Joining me on my Journey 2 Fabulous!