Thursday, September 22, 2011


Ok, so here's what's been going on & where I am...
This month J & I bit the bullet & sat down to figure out or finances. T wanted to do Karate & we found a place we LOVED but we were trying to figure out if we could afford it. So, in this process we figured out that we could get a YMCA membership for the whole family AND put T in Karate there for less than we could put him in Karate at this other place. So, we joined the YMCA this month.

AND let me just tell you, I AM ON THE ZUMBA BANDWAGON!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I started doing Zumba 4x/wk!!! I've NEVER worked out that much before & I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! And J has started working out a couple of times a week, & it seems to be helping his back/neck/shoulder issues!! (YAY!) And T is old enough to use the Youth room, so he's been working out 2-3x/wk + Karate once/wk. It's been AWESOME!

We also finally bit the bullet & bought Smart Phones. We kept putting it off because we had an awesome Data plan that was no longer available, so if we bought any new phones, we would lose that plan & have to pay more for less...sucked! But, J's phone was on it's last leg, so we had to give in. That being said, we spent $100 on phones & are getting $150 back in rebates!! ROCK ON!!! I REALLY hadn't realized just how much easier it would be for me to "stay on track" with a Smart Phone. I am now addicted to EVERYTHING on it. I found a FREE C25K app. that allows me to play MY music from my phone while it keeps track of the timing & chimes when I need to walk/run. I found a FREE myfitnesspal app. which is what I had been using to track my food & exercise. I also found some FREE WW points/tracking apps. so I could do them again if I found that easier than counting calories. Right now, I think I am going to stick with myfitnesspal because it's what I've gotten used to & when I am consistent, it works! My issue is consistency this past year. I don't seem to "stay on track" for more then a month, & I'm really not sure why that is...I'm gonna have to dig deep on that one I think...

So, I weighed myself this week. 245lbs! I am not happy about this, but with the way I have been eating lately it could be SO much worse!! At least now I have a starting point. I also started C25K training again. BUT, the AWESOME thing is, that because I have been doing Zumba for 45-60min 4x/wk, instead of starting at Week 1, I started at Week 4!!!! AND I RAN AT 3.5!!!!! I've NEVER run that fast before!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

So, now I begin my journey YET AGAIN (GRRR!!) and pray that I am more consistent than I have been this past year.

What I am grateful for...there's alot today, but, I am making up for lost time!!
- YMCA membership
- J's pain dropping with working out
- ZUMBA!!!
- awesome girlfriends who are equally addicted to Zumba & who will also train with me & help keep me going!
- watching my son enjoying working out!!
- Smart Phones to help me stay on track
- the great way I feel after working out
- $ for new workout clothes (it's a whole new ball game when you are working out in public instead of the privacy of your own home!! LOL)

Dear God,
I have alot that I am grateful for! I am AMAZED at what you have suddenly brought into my life! Thank You! I also have alot of people that I would like you to watch over...
NP & her son A- please comfort them & calm them as they go thru some scary, nasty tests. And please help them to deal with whatever those results turn out to be.
AB- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep a special watch on her. She carries so much on her shoulders. Please put a job in her path that will be the PERFECT fit for what she & the family need.
GSEC- we are in precarious place right now. Please help us to know Your will for us & the courage to accept it & act on it.
LK & MK- help them to give You their troubles so that they can relieve their stress some.
JH- She's alone & pregnant & in desperate need of Your strengh. Help her to get thru this pregnancy & deployment.
AN- She has SO much on her plate. Help to stay focused, centered & calm. Give her strength & courage to accomplish her goals & endure the months while Hubby is away.
MW- She's another over acheiver. Help her to fight her fears & anxieties. Help her to realize just how strong & smart she really is.

I don't know why I am struggling with this journey this time when I did so great before. Help me to give myself a break, God. You are alot more forgiving of me than I am. Help me to dig deep & find out what is hindering me & conquer it with Your help. Help me to be of service to You & those around me. Help me to be aware of those instances when I can REALLY make a difference in someone's day, in Your Name.